OX App Suite

WHMCS MarketConnect allows you to resell OX App Suite via Open-Xchange. OX App Suite lets you offer professional and reliable email at an affordable price.

For more information, see our OX App Suite Knowledgebase.

Setup and Configuration

To activate and begin reselling OX App Suite:

  1. Go to Configuration () > System Settings > MarketConnect.
  2. Find OX App Suite.
  3. Click Start Selling.
  4. Click Activate Now.

Admin Management Actions

OX App Suite actions in the client profile

When viewing any OX App Suite order in the Admin Area, admins can perform the following actions:

  • Create — Click to provision a new email account.
  • Renew — Click to renew OX App Suite for another billing period.
  • Terminate — Click to terminate OX App Suite.
  • Upgrade — Click to upgrade from OX App Suite to OX App Suite + Productivity. This action is only available if the order is eligible for upgrade.

Client Management Actions

OX App Suite email management in the Client Area

When a logged-in client with an active OX App Suite service views the Client Area, they will see an option to manage OX App Suite-associated domains.

  • This allows them to add and manage email addresses.
  • In WHMCS 8.4 and later, they can also manage aliases.

They can also view important account information, like POP3, IMAP, and SMTP information.

Client Area Promotions

MarketConnect supports displaying OX App Suite promotions in the Client Area homepage and shopping cart.

OX App Suite promotion in the Client Area

For more information, see MarketConnect Promotions.

Last modified: August 23, 2024