OpenID Connect Development
OpenID Connect is the standard for single sign-on and identity provisioning on the internet. It uses JSON-based identity tokens (JWT) via the OAuth 2.0 protocol. In order to perform single sign-on through OpenID using WHMCS as an authentication provider, applications must use details that your WHMCS installation generates.
You can develop your own integrations with OpenID Connect and WHMCS using the WHMCS API.
If you want to use OpenID Connect in your third-party application to connect with WHMCS, start by selecting an OpenID 2.0-compliant library that is compatible with your chosen programming language.
For more information, see:
If your application requires the RFC URL, add the following rewrite rule to the .htaccess
file in the main folder for your WHMCS installation (usually, public_html
# OpenID Discovery Document
RewriteRule ^.well-known/openid-configuration
./oauth/openid-configuration.php [L,NC]
Adjust /oauth/openid-configuration.php
appropriately for WHMCS’s position in the directory structure.
Authenticating the user involves obtaining an ID token and validating it. When a user attempts to log in to WHMCS, your app must perform the following steps:
1. Create an anti-forgery state token.
You must protect the security of your users by preventing request forgery attacks. To do this, create a unique session token (or cross-site request forgery (CSRF) token) that holds state between your app and the user’s client. You later match this unique session token with the authentication response from the WHMCS OAuth Login service to verify that the user (and not a malicious attacker) is making the request.
We recommend a string of 32 characters from a high-entropy random number generator or a one-way hash that you generate by signing session state information with a secret key.
2. Send an authentication request to WHMCS.
Applications need OAuth 2.0 credentials, including a client ID and client secret, to authenticate users and gain access to the WHMCS API.
Basic HTTPS POST requests require the following parameters within the OpenID Connect authentication URI:
Parameter | Description |
client_id | The client ID. Obtain this in the Admin Area at Utilities > System > OpenID Connect. |
response_type | The response type. This should always be code . |
scope | The scope. This should always be openid profile email . |
redirect_uri | The HTTP endpoint on your server that will receive the response from WHMCS. This must match the URI that you specify when configuring your application inside WHMCS. You can retrieve endpoint URIs from the discovery document at /oauth/openid-configuration.php in the WHMCS installation. This provides various endpoint URIs, including the Authorization Endpoint URI (authorization_endpoint ) and Token Endpoint URI (token_endpoint ). |
state | The value of the anti-forgery unique session token, as well as any other information to recover the context when the user returns to your application (for example, the starting URL). |
For example:
3. Confirm the anti-forgery state token.
In response to the query above, the system provides a redirect URL that includes the code
and state
values and a validated redirect_uri
For example: state=security_token%3D138r5719ru3e1%26url%3D
On the server, confirm that this state
value matches the session token that you created above. This verification helps to ensure that the user is making the request.
4. Exchange code for the access_token value and the ID token.
The code
value is a one-time, short-lived authorization code that your server can exchange for an access token and ID token. Your server makes this exchange by sending an HTTPS POST request. The POST request goes to the token endpoint (token_endpoint
in the discovery document).
The request must include the following parameters in the POST body:
Parameter | Description |
code | The authorization code that the system returned. |
client_id | The client ID. |
client_secret | The client secret. |
redirect_uri | The HTTP endpoint on your server that will receive the response from WHMCS. |
grant_type | This value must be authorization_code . |
If the endpoint is
, the request could resemble this example:
POST /whmcs/oauth/token.php HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
A successful response to this request contains the following fields in a JSON array:
Field | Description |
access_token | A token to send to the WHMCS API. |
id_token | A JSON Web Token from WHMCS that contains the user’s identity information. This is a cryptographically-signed Base64-encoded JSON object. |
expires_in | The remaining lifetime of the access token. |
token_type | The type of token. The value is always Bearer . |
5. Obtain user information from the ID token.
We highly recommend validating the id_token
value. Many API libraries combine the validation with decoding the base64 and parsing the JSON.
An ID token is a JSON object containing a set of name and value pairs. For example:
"iat": 1448466862,
"exp": 1448466962
WHMCS ID tokens will contain the following fields (claims):
Claim | Description |
iss | The issuer identifier for the issuer of the response. This is always the WHMCS System URL value. |
sub | An identifier for the user that is unique among all WHMCS accounts and that nothing reused. Use sub within your application as the unique identifier key for the user. |
aud | The intended audience for this ID token. It will be one of your OAuth 2.0 client IDs. |
iat | The time at which the system issued the ID token, in Unix time (integer seconds). |
exp | The time at which the ID token expires, in Unix time (integer seconds). |
6. Authenticate the user.
After obtaining user information from the ID token, you can use the sub
value in the token. If you have already associated this value with the user of your application, start a session for that user.
- If you have not previously associated the
value with a registered user of your system, you can redirect the user to sign up or request their email address from the WHMCS installation. - To associate the
value with your users, ask the user to log in with their preexisting credentials. After the user successfully authenticates into your application, store thesub
value in your database with the database record for that user.
Available Claims
If you want to get more information about the user, such as their email address, make a claim request with the access_token
value from the same response.
You can request the profile
and email
Last modified: 2025 January 29