Translate Custom Status Names

If you have added custom support ticket statuses, you can add them to the localization system. This allows you to provide translated names for custom ticket statuses in the Client Area and Admin Area.

  • Do not make direct changes to the WHMCS-provided files in the lang and admin/lang directories. Updates for future WHMCS releases will overwrite changes to these files.
  • We recommend reviewing the language string changes in each new WHMCS release before you update. This allows you to address any changes or additions that you may need to make to your customizations.
For more information about customizing and translating text in WHMCS, see Customize Text.

Customize Text in WHMCS

To customize text in WHMCS:

1. Create override folders.

If you have not already customized localized text in WHMCS, create an overrides folder inside each of the lang (Client Area) and admin/lang (Admin Area) directories.

2. Create or copy the desired language files.

Create or copy the language file that you want to override if they do not already exist. For example, to create an override for the English language file for the Client Area, you would create the /lang/overrides/english.php file.

Start each file with a PHP tag:


3. Add the desired language strings to each file.

For each file, add the strings that you want to override using the appropriate formats below.

In the examples below, the example value is the default status name that you entered at Configuration () > System Settings > Ticket Statuses.

  • This name must only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters.
  • If no translation exists in a language file, the system won’t use the title.
For more information, see our Developer Documentation.

Client Area

To translate the name of a custom status in the Client Area, add the following line to the desired language file in the lang directory (for example, /lang/english.php):

$_LANG['supportticketstatusexample'] = "Example Status Name"; 

Admin Area

To translate the name of a custom status in the Client Area, add the following line to the desired language file in the admin/lang directory (for example, /admin/lang/english.php):

$_ADMINLANG['supportticketsstatus']['example'] = 'Example Status Name';

4. Save and upload the files.

Save each file with UTF-8 encoding and upload to your server.

Last modified: 2025 January 28