Client Area Domain Registration

Customers use the Client Area's Register Domain page to view your domain extension pricing, Spotlight TLDs extensions, and term information.

Domain Categories

Domain categories group domain extensions (TLDs) into customizable categories like Popular or Business in your Client Area.

Custom Domain Fields

Additional domain fields (extended attributes) display when ordering specific domain extensions (TLDs) to capture all necessary data.

Grace and Redemption Periods

After most domains expire, they enter a grace period and then a redemption grace period. Renewal during these periods may incur fees.

ICANN Policies

ICANN sets the policies that govern domain registrations. If you sell or manage domains, you must follow their requirements for registration, renewals, transfers, and changes to contact information.

WHOIS Servers

WHOIS servers check domain availability and return related information. You must use the appropriate WHOIS servers to search for domains.

SSL Monitoring

SSL monitoring makes it easy to see which domains have SSL, find validation issues sooner, and get advanced warning of expirations.