Suppressed Renewal Errors

Troubleshoot and resolve issues with Suppressed Automatic Domain Renewal errors in which a free domain did not renew.

Free Domains

Free domains are an addition to your product offerings that can incentivize your customers to sign up for longer hosting plan terms.

Premium Domains

Premium Domains are domains with short, common, memorable, or desirable names that sell for a higher price at your domain registrar.

Domain Renewals

In WHMCS, domain registrations are recurring products. WHMCS can automate management of these renewals through your domain registrar.

Domain Renewal Notices

WHMCS can send domain renewal notices to your customers before their domain's due date and additional reminders after the due date passes.

Grace and Redemption Periods

After most domains expire, they enter a grace period and then a redemption grace period. Renewal during these periods may incur fees.

ICANN Policies

ICANN sets the policies that govern domain registrations. If you sell or manage domains, you must follow their requirements for registration, renewals, transfers, and changes to contact information.