PayPal Payments Issues


After attempting to migrate to the new PayPal Payments payment gateway module from a previous PayPal® module, you are experiencing problems with subscriptions. PayPal is not processing any of the recurring payments that existed before you changed your payment gateway configuration.


The new PayPal Payments payment gateway is our newest PayPal integration in WHMCS 8.9 and later, and we recommend it for all PayPal merchants. However, we do not currently support migrating from another PayPal gateway to PayPal Payments if you process any recurring payments through PayPal.

The system treats our previous PayPal payment gateways as separate entities and there is not currently a way to transfer subscriptions to another gateway. Because of this, when you deactivate the previous payment gateway, the system will stop all of its recurring payments.

If you want to start using PayPal Payments and only need to process one-time payments, you can safely activate PayPal Payments and then deactivate the previous PayPal module.


While you cannot migrate existing subscriptions, you can start using PayPal Payments for one-time payments and new subscriptions. In this scenario, you hide but do not deactivate the previous module, which will continue to process existing subscriptions.

To do this:

  1. Activate and configure PayPal Payments.
    For more information, see Configure PayPal Payments.
  2. Find the previous PayPal gateway at Configuration () > System Settings > Payment Gateways.
  3. Uncheck Show on Order Form.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Last modified: August 23, 2024